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Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately.  I promise in 2018 to provide some updates on my journey.

Right now, I’m excited to support #FDRS on #GivingTuesday.    Many of you may know that I’m president of the Fat Disorders Research Society, Inc.  FDRS is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all people affected by adipose tissue disorders through research, education, advocacy and collaboration.

I’m asking for donations to support FDRS.  They fund research, produces videos, hosts an annual conference, distributes educational materials, and is a hub of information for patients, clinicians, and researchers. FDRS uses all donations to further these endeavors. Please consider donating to FDRS to help advocate for people with Lipedema, Dercum’s Disease, and other adipose tissue disorders.

Donations made on Facebook beginning at 8 am ET will be matched by Facebook and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Click here to donate and have your donation matched.

Tis the Season

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Tis the Season!  I write you today to ask for a $1, $5, $10, $100 donation to help fund scholarships for patients with lipedema and/or Dercum’s Disease to attend the Fat Disorders Research Society (FDRS) conference “Lipedema and Dercum’s: Goals for the Future and Tools for Today” April 28-30, 2017 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Keynote speaker is world renowned Fat Disorder expert, Karen L. Herbst, MD, PhD. Topics to include surgical and non-surgical treatment options in managing both Lipedema and Dercum’s Disease.

Many patients who suffer from lipedema and/or Dercum’s Disease are no longer able to work and live on a limited fixed income.

FDRS does not want financial hardship to keep anyone from attending the annual conference. As such, they are offering a limited number of financial hardship scholarships to offset registration fees for the 2017 FDRS conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.

FDRS needs our help to fund these financial assistance scholarships.  The registration fees are $175 and covers the expenses of the conference.  Your donation will help a patient attend the conference who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Click here to donate


Would you Donate $1?

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FDRS needs to raise an additional $432 in order to fund all of the scholarship applications.  Would you please consider donating today?  $1, $5 or any amount you can give is greatly appreciated!   We are almost at our goal and need your help!

These scholarships will allow a patient with lipedema or Dercum’s Disease to attend the Fat Disorders Research Society (FDRS) conference in April.  Without a financial assistance scholarship, they would be unable to attend.

Click here to donate today



Can I count on you?

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Would you donate $1 (or even $5)?  If everyone who regularly sees my blog donates $1, we can fund 3 scholarships!

The scholarships are for patients to attend the Fat Disorders Research Society (FDRS) conference “Living with Lipedema and Dealing with Dercum’s” April 8-10, 2016 at the Marriott St. Louis Airport hotel in St. Louis, MO.

Physicians who even know that Lipedema exists are few and far between.  This conference provides patients access to the leading experts on Lipedema and how to manage this condition.

Your donation will help a patient attend the conference who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Click here to donate


Help Needed!

I’m raising money to fund scholarships for patients to attend the FDRS conference. Would you consider donating?

The Fat Disorders Research Society (FDRS) is hosting a conference “Living with Lipedema and Dealing with Dercum’s” April 8-10, 2016 at the Marriott St. Louis Airport hotel in St. Louis, MO. Keynote speaker is world renowned Fat Disorder expert, Karen L. Herbst, MD, PhD. Topics to include surgical and non-surgical treatment options in managing both Lipedema and Dercum’s Disease.

Many patients who suffer from lipedema and/or Dercum’s Disease are no longer able to work and live on a limited fixed income.

FDRS does not want financial hardship to keep anyone from attending the annual conference. As such, they are offering a limited number of financial hardship scholarships to offset registration fees for the 2016 FDRS conference in St. Louis, Missouri.

FDRS needs our help to fund these financial assistance scholarships.  The registration fees are $175 and covers the expenses of the conference.  Your donation will help a patient attend the conference who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Click here to donate




Join Me in St. Louis


I will be attending “Living with Lipedema and Dealing with Dercum’s” April 8-10, 2016 at the Marriott St. Louis Airport hotel in St. Louis, MO. Keynote speaker is world renowned Fat Disorder expert, Karen L. Herbst, MD, PhD. Topics to include surgical and non-surgical treatment options in managing both Lipedema and Dercum’s Disease.

This conference is for patients, doctors, therapists, researchers and anyone else interested in Lipedema and Dercum’s Disease.

Think you may have lipedema?  Are you a practitioner interested in learning more about lipedema?  Then meet me in St Louie!

For more information:


The Stairs are (Now) My Friend


It’s the little things that become the big things after surgery. This week I am struck as I am taking the stairs (by choice) and I can climb them without holding on (although out of habit I catch myself holding on). And my knees don’t hurt!  Three years ago, maybe even four, I was diagnosed with Chondromalacia in my knees.  I’ve lost weight, went to physical therapy and nothing had helped my knees.  That is, until I had surgery.  I think it’s only a matter of time before the Chondromalacia is completely healed.  Stairs no longer hurt, I can semi-squat, and do leg presses.  My goal is to do full squats but I know it takes time to heal!  Patience is a virtue, I’m reminded frequently.

Happy, Happy!


11/8/15 – I was beaming from ear to ear last night (and not just because Alabama beat LSU!) I went to the game and we got there late and wasn’t able to park in our normal spot. We ended up parking further away than normal. I had a flashback of last season (pre surgery) and walking from that same location about did me in. Tears in my eyes because my feet hurt so bad. Friends tailgate in that area and I didn’t want to go because it was so far…. Last night when we got to the stadium, I said to my friend… Wow, that wasn’t as far as I remembered it. My feet never once hurt. And I got up three times to go to the bathroom (might have been the adult beverages I consumed to take the edge off a stressful game). See in the past I would never get up from my seat because the stairs hurt my knees so bad. My knees don’t hurt. My feet don’t hurt. And I was wearing brand new (and were slightly too big) rain boots (usually a recipe for feet hurting). Thanks to Jason Joel Emer for everything he has done for me. My life post surgery is beyond my wildest expectations!

I Finally Did It!


Well, I finally did it.  I finally mailed my insurance claim to BCBS of Illinois.  For those of you who don’t know, I literally live next door to the BCBS building.  So, walking across the other side of the street to the post office to mail it (certified and return receipt…which set me back $13.19) seemed ludicrous, but I needed to have proof of mailing and proof of receipt.  And, I stood in line for over 30 minutes.  That warranted a trip to Starbucks.  I tried for the first time coconut milk in my pumpkin spice latte (no whipped cream, of course).  Not 100% paleo, but figured I needed a treat today.  It was good.  I didn’t taste the difference.

Ok, back to the point of this posting.

For surgeries that cost more than the average sales price of a vehicle, you might be wondering what took me so long?  Number one, I’m a huge procrastinator.  And this was no small task.  In the end, my submission was 71 pages long, most of which were articles supporting the medical necessity for surgery.  Plus, I had to gather invoices, medical records and the like to substantiate I had failed conservative treatment.  And then the hard part, writing the dreaded cover letter.  I’ve had it written for some time now (after accidentally deleting the first draft, drats!) and I was just waiting on one last piece of information to compile my packet.  Another reason for the delay… the mental anguish, time and energy it takes in undertaking this huge project.

I’m not expecting insurance to pay for my surgeries.  If they do, that is super duper bonus.  I took out a loan from my 401k.  It was a great interest rate and I’m paying it back over the next five years through payroll deduction.  So my surgeries are paid for.  I know how tremendously fortunate I am that was even an option. So many of the ladies afflicted with lipedema don’t have these resources.  They are stuck and this is incredibly sad and disheartening.

The reason I’m not expecting insurance to pay for my surgery is that liposuction is not recognized in the U.S. as a treatment for lipedema.  Heck, most U.S. doctors don’t even know that lipedema exists.  An influential physician who graduated from a top medical school even joked he wanted his money back from medical school.  Despite being in practice for over 20 years, this was the first time he had heard of lipedema.  There haven’t been any U.S. studies (plenty in Germany and other European countries) that liposuction is an effective treatment.  As such, insurance companies haven’t established a medical policy outlining the criteria for which surgery would be deemed medically necessary (that’s how it works in insurance-land.)  My best shot – some of my fellow lipedema sisters have been successful, others have not – is to prove that this procedure is reconstructive (and therefore medically necessary) because I have documented evidence of physical functional impairment or that the surgery was primarily to correct documented progressive impairment of physical function that interferes with the performance of activities of daily living.  [Note:  check your specific insurance plan documents for the criteria for reconstructive surgery.]

Here’s what I wrote:

Please approve the following claims for dates of service 4/28/15, 4/30/15, and 5/5/15.  These surgeries were medically necessary for the treatment of lipedema (not be confused with lymphedema.)  Although you’ve likely never heard of lipedema, Drs Allen and Hines Jr from the Mayo clinic labeled this condition as lipedema in 1940. Outside the US, lipedema is known as “lipoedema”, meaning edema of the fat. This disorder is likely very common but underdiagnosed.

I have enclosed two letters of medical necessity:  one from Dr. Karen Herbst, an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona, the leading expert on adipose tissue orders, and another from my surgeon, Dr. Jason Emer.

Since puberty, I have had a significantly disproportionate body shape: a very small upper body and extremely large hips, buttocks and thighs.  I weighed approximately 108 pounds at the age of 14, so by no means considered obese, despite my large lower half.  Beginning in my early twenties, I experienced periods of unexplained weight gain, despite calorie restrictions and exercise.  For example, I would maintain the same weight for several years and then in the matter of a couple of months gain 15 pounds.  Over the years, pain and fatigue became part of everyday life.  Despite diet and exercise, I was unable to lose weight.

In 2011, I was diagnosed with chondromalacia in my left knee.  I underwent physical therapy but the pain in climbing and descending stairs persisted.  I underwent the hCG diet and lost approximately 20 pounds, the first time I was ever successful in losing weight.  I have maintained that weight loss.  Despite the weight loss and more physical therapy, the pain in my knees persisted.  Further, I had the propensity to get tendonitis in my feet so standing or walking for long periods of time were very painful.  I was easy to fatigue.  Light touches to my body hurt.  Getting my blood pressure checked was torture on my arms.

I have been to countless doctors over the years trying to figure out why I have felt the way that I do.  I’ve had more colonoscopies, MRIs and CTs than anyone my age deserves.  I have cost BCBS of Illinois a lot of money in these doctors visits, tests, and medications.

In June of 2014, I discovered there was a name for what I had – lipedema.  I immediately scheduled an appointment with Dr. Karen Herbst, although she was booked out six months.  I began conservative treatments of an anti-inflammatory diet, compression, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), supplements and whole body vibration.  Despite the conservative treatments, the pain in my knees persisted.

In December 2014, I was finally diagnosed with lipedema.  All of the symptoms I had been experiencing all of these years were masquerading the real problem – lipedema.

Diagnosed with stage 2 lipedema already with mobility issues, Dr. Herbst recommended liposuction to treat the lipedema.

There are few surgeons in the U.S. who are experienced with lipedema, despite European surgeons, namely German surgeons, who have been treating lipedema for over twenty years.  As such, I had to travel to Beverly Hills, California for surgery to obtain a safe procedure by someone experienced in lipedema.

My life has changed dramatically since surgery.  The pain immediately reduced by approximately 90%. My activities of daily living have improved tremendously.  Although I had been working out with a personal trainer for a year and half prior to surgery, I was not making any progress.  After surgery, I can lift more weight, walk faster, and am beginning to be able to manage motions that require me to bend my knees (i.e. squats and leg presses).  Stairs are significantly easier to climb and descend and most days I do not require holding onto the railing for support.  I do not fatigue nearly as easily – my energy levels are high and I am sleeping better.  I am not nearly as sensitive to touch as I was pre-surgery.  My boyfriend can wrap his arms around me now without me cringing in pain.  I can blow dry my hair without my arms hurting.  I can do floor exercises without pain from simply lying on a hard surface.

Liposuction for lipedema is medically necessary and is not experimental or investigational.  I have attached the following articles:

  1. Frambach, Y et al. Long-term results of liposuction in patients with lipedema. Presented at: 23rd World Congress of Dermatology; June 8-13, 2015; Vancouver, British Columbia.  http://www.healio.com/aesthetics/liposuction-body-contouring/news/online/%7B094827e5-1ba1-4dbb-9b85-d7f00798b107%7D/liposuction-significantly-increases-quality-of-life-in-lipedema-patients
  2. 2. Stutz, JJ. (2011) ‘Liposuction of Lipedema to Prevent Later Joint Complications,’ Translated from vasomed . Volume 23 January 2011.
  3. Rapprich, Stefan, Dingler, Anne, Podda, Maurizio. (2011) ‘Liposuction is an effective treatment for lipedema – results of a study with 25 patients’, Journal of the German Society of Dermatology. 9:33–40
  4. Stutz, JJ,  Krahl, D. (2008) ‘Water Jet-Assisted Liposuction for Patients with Lipoedema:  Histologic and Immunohistologic Analysis of the Aspirates of 30 Lipoedema Patients,’ Aesth Plast Surg.
  5. Peled, Anne Warren, Slavin, Sumner A, Broson, Hakan. (2012) ‘Long-term Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Lipedema,’ Annals of Plastic Surgery.  68: 303–307.
  6. Schmeller, W, Hueppe, M, Meier-Vollrat, I.  (2011) ‘Tumescent liposuction in lipoedema yields good long-term results,’  British Journal of Dermatology.  pp161–168.
  7. Schmeller, W, Hueppe, M, Meier-Vollrat, I.  (2006) ‘Tumescent liposuction: a new and successful therapy for lipedema,’ J Cutan Med Surg. 2006 Jan-Feb;10(1):7-10.

According to BCBS of Illinois, procedures are considered reconstructive and therefore may be considered medically necessary when there is documented evidence of physical functional impairment; OR services are provided primarily to correct documented progressive impairment of physical function that interferes with the performance of activities of daily living.  As demonstrated in the attachments that follow, liposuction was performed on me to correct physical functions that interfered with the performance of activities of daily living.  I had failed conservative treatments and surgical intervention was necessary.   Please approve this claim without delay.

Wish me luck!!!